Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A fish seeks enlightenment

Today I remembered a special story.

The story is about a fish who asked his parents "What is the Ocean?" His parents laughed and said "Why its everything around you! You are in it!" Unsatisfied, the fish sought out the advice of his peers and teachers and asked them the same question "What is the Ocean?" only to be met with the same answer and cynicism he received from his parents. "This is the Ocean! You are a part of it!" he was told again!

Still unsatisfied, the fish set off seeking enlightenment from the wisest fish and crustaceans in the sea. An entire lifetime passed and the fish was repeatedly given the same answer over and over.
One day while contemplating the question further the fish noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He turned just in time to see the beautiful and intricate pattern coming towards him. What was this? Was this the answer he had sought for so long? Surely this was much different than anything he had ever seen before.
Moments later he was hoisted up onto the side of a sea trawler inside a net with many other fish. Gasping for air on the side of the boat, he saw the moonlight dancing on the waves of the water below and finally he understood in his final moments that the very thing he was seeking was always around him the whole time.

The reason this story is special to me is because it mirrors many facets of my own journey. It took me a long time to realize that was I was seeking for was right here inside. It wasn't something separate or even obtainable because it was already here. All that was required was letting go and allowing myself to see it clearly. Many of us look outside of ourselves for salvation and answers to our deepest questions, which only takes us further away from the very thing we seek. The best place you can find God is within yourself.

"The kingdom of Heaven is within you" - Jesus



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